Three Good Things


Hey friends! Hope that you all had a lovely weekend! We had friends around on Saturday, and then it was Mothering Sunday here yesterday, my kiddos and I had a lovely day together. I love weekends that are full of friends and family time, and lots of relaxing! Thankfully, the temperatures here have warmed up and I have flowers popping through in my garden – so pleased to see signs of spring at last! I have a busy-ish week, lots of work to do, a few errands to run, homeschool stuff, of course, getting ready for Baya’s birthday party next weekend AND I have a tattoo appointment on Friday.

Anyhoos… here are three good things from last week:


* Being spoilt ~ my kiddos really treated me yesterday. Beautiful flowers, homemade cards, some delicious nakd treats, a couple of new books and some smellies. We had the best day together – early morning extra special breakfasts {pan au chocolats and cinnamon swirls}, coffee out, then pizza and movies all evening long. Perfect.


*  Days out ~ I took the kids to Liverpool on Friday, the British Gymnastics Championships were on, and Baya and Kiki are gym made, so I bought us all tickets. We managed a walk around the docks first {Beastie has been asking to go for weeks!}, a quick trip to the Tate gift shop and then an afternoon watching gymnastics. It was really interesting to watch, and inspiring for my two little gymnasts.


*  Writing time ~ one of my goals for this year is to write a book {and publish it}. I’m about three-quarters of the way through the first draft, and I gave myself the whole day {well, all 4 hours child-free time} on Wednesday to write. Usually, I work, but I decided this was equally important and it was great to have a big chunk of time to just write.

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Enchanted Pixie

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