A Valentine’s Date for One

A Valentine's Date for One

You would have to be walking around with your eyes {and your ears} shut tight to not have noticed that it’s Valentines Day on Wednesday. Everywhere we look there are hearts and roses, cards and bottles of bubbly, all telling us to celebrate the day with someone special.

While I have never been a huge believer in Valentines Day – believing you should celebrate love every day of the year, it can still be a little hard when you’re single, and you are surrounded by visions of ‘perfect couples’ – seeing all of this loved up, couple-ness, it can still make you feel a little inadequate for sure.

If you’re loved up this year, how are you planning on celebrating? A meal out or a home cooked meal? Apparently, 70% of you plan on staying in – from HelloFresh’s research, it seems the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach – with steak and chips being the most popular date-night meal!

If you’re single like me this Valentine’s Day,  Show yourself some self-love and try one of these idea’s for celebrating yourself this Valentines Day.

1| Cook yourself a delicious meal

Who says you need a partner for a romantic meal?! I plan on cooking myself something delicious to eat once my kiddos are all tucked up in bed – perhaps these Spinach Crepes with Mushrooms, Basil Pesto & Tahini Dressing, topped off with these Cherry Crumble Squares, and a glass or two of Elderflower Presse

2| Pamper Yourself

You don’t need a man to make a little extra effort for. Book yourself in for a facial, a massage or have a new a haircut, just for you, to make you feel a million dollars. Or you could go the DIY route and treat yourself to a mani/pedi at home, pop on a face mask and massage some coconut oil into your hair, before hopping in a bubble bath for a good long soak.

3| Take Yourself Out

No date? No problem! Maybe you should avoid the restaurants, which will be full of loved-up couples, gazing into each other’s eyes over a glowing candle, and head to the cinema instead! The bonus to taking yourself to watch a film – you can pick whichever movie you want and you don’t have to share the popcorn! Win win!

4| Buy Your Own Gift

Treat yourself to something that you have had your eye on for ages and don’t feel guilty about it! Whether it is a new dress, a book or some new makeup, buy yourself a gift that you will love!

5| Get the Girls Around

Invite your girlfriends, dig out some chick flicks, order a takeaway and have a fun evening in, giggling over date mishaps, sharing dating stories and bonding in a way that only singletons can.

6 | Buy yourself some flowers

Don’t think that you have to wait for somebody else to buy you a bouquet. Ignore the over-priced roses, and pick up your favourite flowers – for me that would be tulips or lillies, and enjoy the beauty they bring to your home.

If you’re single this year, what do you have planned for Valentine’s Day?

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