Making small changes with Optiwell

optiwell yogurt drinks

After a hectic year with a couple of major life changes {having a baby AND moving house} my healthy eating had kinda gone out of the window. Life got busy, I was tired, and often just grabbed whatever was easiest to eat with one hand whilst feeding the baby, cooking dinner, working and watching three other kids {often all at once}. There has been an insane amount of cake eaten, far too many chocolate bars and a truck load of toast.

A couple of weeks back, I was introduced to Optiwell – a new yogurt drink that is in the shops. Optiwell are encouraging people to make small changes to their diet, and incorporate their delicious yogurt drinks as a part of the change. Optiwell has no added sugar, contains just 64 calories per 200ml serving and is totally fat-free and comes in Peach and Apricot and Strawberry and Raspberry flavours. Optiwell comes in handy 330ml bottles to enjoy ‘on the go’ as well as litre bottles that are perfect to keep in the fridge.

I’ve been trying it out for the past couple of weeks and was pleasantly surprised at just how delicious it actually is… low calorie and fat free don’t equal no-taste in this case. My favourite is the Strawberry and Raspberry. I’ve been enjoying it on my Bircher Museili for breakfast, with some extra tasty dried fruit sprinkled on top too. It makes a nice change from soya milk on my cereal and I love that it’s choc full of vitamins and minerals.

Small Changes with Optiwell

One of the worst times for me in terms of unhealthy snacking is mid-afternoon. That 3pm slump really gets me every day – it’s often the time that I’m rushing around getting the kiddos ready for various groups and usually find myself grabbing a muffin or bar of chocolate to tide me over until dinner time. I’ve made a conscious decision to swap out those snacks for one of the 330ml bottles of Optiwell. I’ve found that it fills me up and staves off my hunger – without filling me so full of sugar and calories! I’ve also been keeping one of these little bottles tucked in my handbag if we go out and about – the number of times I get out and realise I’ve not had a snack and my tummy is rumbling is silly. Having one on hand at all times means I have no excuse for not having a healthy snack even out and about!

Small Changes with optiwell

My girls have been enjoying the yogurt drinks too. Kiki loves the Peach and Apricot flavour – for her it’s great as she’s not a big breakfast eater, but will happily have a glass of this first thing in the morning. It’s nice to know she has something healthy in her tummy to start the day.

We even whizzed some up with some frozen berries and bananas the other day into a smoothie bowl for an after-dinner dessert. I sprinkled mine with a few seeds and it was ridiculously tasty. The girls even declared it was <em>almost</em> as good as ice-cream! I’m planning on trying out some of the recipes over on the Optiwell site soon.

We’ll definitely be keeping some Optiwell in the fridge {and in my bag} from now on, it’s really helped us make some small changes.

Post in association with Optiwell

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