A day at the park

Last weekend, Papa was away at a festival for hte weekend, leaving me home alone with four kiddos. Saturday was filled with art clubs, and we woke up onSunday to sunshine so we decided to pack up a picnic and head to a local park for a slow lazy day. We found a stone circle, sat and enjoyed the sun, played in the park and fed the ducks. It was the perfect end to a busy and stressful few days.

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We came home, and ate another picnic in the garden! Loving this fab weather… Mr Beastie has been making the most of this anti-uv suntent from BabyMoov… it’s a great way to keep his delicate skin protected from the sun while letting him sit outdoors {I think Baya likes it too!!} It pops up and down really easily and is light enough for me to take out to the park or beach. It’s a summer essential, even in a UK summer!


  1. Janine

    August 27, 2016 at 00:01

    Mallory – Thanks for the sweet cosaentm!!Mmndy, you are so right—-I just sit around and stare at him sometimes in awe…how amazing the blessings of the Lord are–and in His perfect time!! I am truly humbled and honored every day to be a mom. I just never want to take it for granted.

  2. http://www./

    October 24, 2016 at 06:14

    “..The actual data makes it hard to conclude that those wanting to point to the Antarctic as a counterpoint to what is happening in the Arctic may simply be trying to change the subject from the recent unprecedented global sea ice declines…”I’m curious – why doesn’t this work the other way around, so that those pointing to the Arctic alone, and ignoring the Antarctic, may be simply trying to alarm people by pretending that the loss of ice is greater than it really is…?

  3. car cheap

    May 20, 2017 at 19:04

    Pedro PiresCoisa má já aconteceu ao Rick, ele estava completamente "louco" e desequilibrado há uns tempos, devido a algumas mortes (não vou "spoilar")…Hummm… será que se vai suicidar!?:D

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