
Please say hello to this week’s Mama… Talie from Thistledown Dreamer


What does motherhood mean to you?
Never having moment to yourself but feeling completely lost when you do!

What is the hardest part of being a mama?
Knowing when to let go. It is the hardest thing to stand back and watch them make mistakes. When they are learning to walk as babies we have to force ourselves to let go and override our fear of them falling and hurting themselves and as teenagers it’s just the same! That instinct to protect and envelop is still strong but we know we must assist them in becoming independent rather than hold them back.

What is the biggest joy that your children have given you?
Seeing things through their eyes. I get so much joy from their artwork, the things they say and do. A child’s take on things is always refreshing, thought provoking and full of passion. I once asked my youngest daughter what she would like for lunch. ‘A hug’ she replied. Will that fill you up, I asked and she replied ‘Yes. It will fill me with Joy!’ Little moments like that are the biggest joys that my children can give me.

What one piece of advice would you give a first time mama?
Your heart is your ‘parenting manual’

Don’t forget to visit Talie’s website – I love this post she wrote on Motherhood

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