Search results for: book

Three books to read every day

I’ve always been a bookworm, one of my earliest memories is curling up in the den I’d made on top {!} of my wardrobe when I was a little girl – it was the perfect...

Recently Loved Books

I meant to share last month more recently read books.. but February ran away with me and we’re half way through March already… wait, what??! Time needs to slow down, my brain still thinks it’s...

World Book Day

World Book Day is almost here {March 6th} and Baya has been planning her costume for weeks {though I’m not allowed to know what it is!}. Even though my little ones aren’t at school, they...

Nurture a love of books

We’re a family of book lovers. Our bookshelves are all heaving with books, and there are random piles of books that someone is half way through reading all over the place. I’ve always loved books,...

Recently Loved Books

I’ve been filling my evenings with books lately, there’s the occasional evening where I binge on some Gilmore Girls {as I’m massively late to that party and only just got to season three!}, but for the...


Baya has a copy of the ‘Lost My Name‘ Book and absolutely loves it! A beautifully illustrated and personalised story it is a fantastic gift for any little one. It is one of our favourite...

Review | My Very Own Name Book

I love buying books for Christmas and Birthday gifts for my kids, thankfully, they all love books as much as I do! We’ve been picking a few bits up ready for Vega’s 1st birthday {um…...

For the love of audio books…

My girls all love audio books, while we all love reading and I’m more than happy to read to them, audio books have a great place in our family. For a while, my youngest daughter...