Search results for: book

International Postcard Swap update… part 2!!

 there were squeals of excitement yesterday when the postman brought us the first postcard from the postcard swap we took part in. it had come from the yorkshire dales, from liz, thomas and alexander.. there...

List 4: Things I love

 choco tea scarves being barefoot tattoos  incense coffee imperfection Kerouac dancing in the rain junk shops bonfires expressing yourself late, late nights authenticity books impulsiveness escaping Time candles

International Postcard Swap update

We were so excited to recieve our email from Zoe at Playing by the Book with the addresss to send our postcards to! There are a total of 1170 to be sent out in the...

Giveaway at "Walk Slowly, Live Wildly"

Sara from “Walk Slowly, Live Wildly” is offering the chance to win a copy of “Not So Fast: Slow Down Solutions for Frenzied Families”  by Ann Kroeker. “Life is not a sprint. Yet, we live...

our weekend..

We’ve had a great weekend, my niece came down from London on Friday night. Having not seen her for over a year we had a lot of catching up to do!!! We went out for...

International Postcard Swap for families

I came across a link the other day for this ‘International Postcard Swap for Families’. Basically if you sign up, come May you’re given 5 names to send postcards to, and in return you recieve...

29 Things

So, I’m 29! Last year of being a 20 something. Taking inspiration from Tara and Andrea here’s my list of 29 things I want to do this year. also I love ShaktiMama’s list here. How...

{She} …by Kobi Yamada

source She must be something special. She is. Celebrate her. She loved life and it loved her back. Celebrate her passion. She listened to her heart above all other voices. Celebrate her wisdom. She pursued...