I don’t often buy myself new clothes, I mainly try and pick up pieces second hand. When I do splash out on new clothing, it’s important to me that it’s...
Seasons and months fly over! And, with new seasons comes new trends. But, it doesn’t mean that you have to purchase a whole new wardrobe to keep up with the...
Hey there! It’s been a looooong time since I did any kind of what I wore/fashion type post! So hopping in with the first one for this year {hopefully they’ll be...
The weather has been pretty appalling here the last couple of weeks, we seem to have gone straight from summer {not that this summer was that good} to winter –...
Kaya Jewellery has recently launched their UK web store, where they make beautiful personalised jewellery. Every bracelet, necklace or pendant is hand-engraved in London to celebrate the special bond between mother...
With summer here and holidays just around the corner, I’ve been busy kitting the five of us out with new summer wardrobes. It can get pretty expensive, especially as the...
The time has come again for us to start planning our summer holiday suitcase and the idea of a ‘capsule wardrobe’ is about everywhere at the moment. I love fashion,...
dress // jeans // shoes // second hand Rolex // scarf // earrings It’s been a good year {maybe a little more} since I had a big wardrobe declutter, and...
Did you know it was Christmas Jumper Day today? I’ve apparently been living under a rock, as I only found out last night when Lola told me she could wear...
Dress / Skirt / Jeans/ Cami’s / Birkenstocks / Pendant / Watch / Earrings I love summer clothes – it’s nice to not have to be wrapped up in twenty layers {and...
I’m not known for packing light, even though until recently we didn’t have a car, meaning we often went on holiday by train, trying to pack only what I needed...
All this rain has left me longing for some sunshine again! My fingers are crossed that summer starts again soon – I love those long, hot sunny days when we...
Back when I was a teenager, I used to love browsing through clothing catalogues and making collages of all the clothes I’d like to buy… fast forward a few years...