Three Good Things

Happy Monday! I’m refreshed after a good weekend, and ready for another busy week. I managed another weekend with no workk {apart from a quick twetny minute check in yesterday, so knew what was on my plans for the week} and very little social media. These weekends offline are doing me the world of good.
Some old posts popped up on my timehop the other day, and it was like looking at a differnet person – I was amazed by how far I’ve come and how much I have grown in the last few years. I don’t recognise the me of old.
Here’s my #threegoodthings for this week
* SUNSHINE – seriously, I need to emigrate to a sunnier part of the world! This weather makes me feel SO good, and makes living seem so much easier! I’ve been out in the garden so much over the last week, pottering around and tidying it up.
* MY FREEDOM – after feeling a little down about my single status {brought on by listening to friends chattering about their partners} I decided to switch my thinking around. After years of being unhappy, and feeling trapped, I’m choosing to focus on the fact that I am free to do and be whatever/whoever I want now. Happiness in my freedom is worth millions.
* RUNNING – after a month or so of not really feeling the whole exercise thing, then seeing the knock on effects on my mental health, I’ve been back out running this week and remembered how alive it makes me feel, and how good I feel when I get back home.
What are your #threegoodthings?
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