Friday I’m in Love

I woke up at five this morning to the sound of the rain lashing against the window. I rolled over, snuggled warm in my bed and dozed back off happily until my alarm went off at seven.  It was still wet and windy, but I thought ‘Oh yay it’s Friday!’ I’m definitely ready for it to be the weekend. It’s been a funny sort of week, long yet it’s gone in a flash, I’ve been busy but I don’t feel like I have achieved much. We had a couple of evenings out, a little too much wine and definitely not enough yoga this week.

It’s funny when the weather is like this, as long as I’m warm and cosy in my house, I love sitting watching the rain pounding against the windows, it makes me feel a little introspective, I practiced some yoga this morning {and rejoiced that I managed to drag myself out of bed and onto my mat}, and now I’m sitting at the table, sipping on some tea and listening to the radio. Lola has just left to go to school, Baya is feeding the cats and Kiki and Beastie are both still asleep.

My mind has been all over the place, trying to figure out what I’m doing and where I’m going. I’m feeling the urge to write more, and to finally delve back into the words that I wrote a couple of years ago. My head is brimming with ideas, I’m just struggling with finding the motivation and the time to actually put them into action. I just need to be a little more organised, to allow myself the time to work on my projects instead of pushing them to one side as not important enough.

It’s a quiet home day today, some project work for the kiddos this morning then hopefully some writing time for me later. There are some things going on in town this evening, so we might all pop out for a little while this evening. Then it’s the weekend. We have a party tomorrow, and plans for some DIY on Sunday as we’re still in the midst of bedroom makeovers. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the weather is ok-enough at some point that we can have a fire one evening too.

Here are a few good things for your weekend reading


* When things get tough, sometimes you just need to say f*ck it – or have another suitable mantra!

* Cheap flowers, a great new book, a smart thought, and a simple habit we can all do right now — I loved this

* Aubergine and Mushroom Pasta – totally making this over the weekend

* A big clue that you don’t love yourself

* Movies for when you’re having a bad day/week/year

* Love this article on crafting a life you don’t need to escape from

* I’ve been thinking lately about taking a break from social media, I take the odd day or two here or there, but reading this article on taking a months break was so interesting!

* The kiddos have been learning about Frida Kahlo this week – I loved watching this video tour of her house

* Love this playlist for all the fierce women

* This peach and chickpea curry sounds like a tasty {and cheap} meal

* The world is not kind to people with big emotions


Have a good weekend!

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