This Homeschooling Life #8
I sat down to think about what March looked like in terms of homeschooling and while we’ve been super busy {as always} it’s hard to actually write down just what we’ve been doing. I think after 9 years homeschooling is just how we live our lives… it’s not so much a specific thing that we do, as just our normal – if that makes any sense! Homeschooling is so built into to our every day that I don’t even think about half of what we do. Plus, as the girls have gotten older, I find they do stuff on their own without me even knowing, things that once I would have classed as our ‘homeschooling’.
I thought this month I’d write a little general update on what each of the three girls fill their days with {both homeschooling things and just life!}
Lola spends a lot of her free time drawing and writing. She has sketchpads full of doodles, pictures and ideas. She also seems to have several stories on the go that she is writing at once. I love that she has the time to let her imagination run free, and to follow through on what interests here. She’s as interested in history as ever – specifically Ancient Greece right now. She knows a seemingly endless supply of random facts that she tells me at the oddest times! She follows a Maths programme, as well as having some English course books she is working through, and also a geography one. She watches lots of nature, science and history documentaries {thnaks Netflix!}. We’re currently thinking that come Sept 2017 she may attend college to do a few GCSE’s though we’re not certain on that yet. She attends guides, as well as being a Guide helper at the Brownie unit. She also still volunteers at our local museum occasionally. I know she’d love to do more volunteer work, she is just held back by here age at the minute, seems she needs to be another year older before most places will let her help out. She also attends an art club at our local gallery from time to time.
Baya has just turned seven and in the past couple of months her reading as come – just like that. While we’ve been working on it for a while, one day she just picked up Green Eggs and Ham and read it. She was so proud of herself, and now she’s reading all the time. She loves drawing and painting, and crafting in general. She is a Rainbow, is on the development squad at gymnastics, and goes to art club at our local art gallery. I do some online Maths with her, and she uses Reading Eggs which she really loves. She’ll join in when Kiki and I do some history/geography too and loves to watch nature documentaries.
There are so many more things that go on each day that I’ve forgotten, or I don’t know about. The kiddos are always busy, making, playing, creating, planning. The great thing about such a busy house is that the baby is always occupied just watching and joining in! He actually loves trying to do gymnastics with Kiki and Baya!! Life is exhausting, four kids on the go 24/7 as well as house-stuff life-stuff and being self-employed. It’s sometimes {always} tricky to try and fit everything into our days/weeks. Would I change it? Not for a second, I hate when I have an empty house as it’s just TOO QUIET!! And imagine how much harder it would be if I only had the baby at home – he’d be so bored with just me ha!
2. Link up a post from your month, no more than 3.

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Jess @ Along Came Cherry
April 4, 2016 at 17:59Ah I always say this but I really love reading what things are like for you guys as it gives me a little glimpse into the future. Kiki looks amazing in that photo! Cherry has been doing gymnastics and loves it, she saw the big girls in there training in there the other day and got so excited that she might be able to do it one day. I know what you mean about homeschooling just being your life, it’s kind of the same for us even though we haven’t been doing it that long. People always ask me how it’s all going when in reality the fact the kids have never been to school means that nothing feels any different to when they were younger only obviously now it has a title. I would also find an empty house weird, although it’s nice for an hour or two on the odd occasion ;) x
Adele at Beautiful Tribe
April 4, 2016 at 19:44I love that your kids all have clear interests and freedom to pursue them! I’ve been thinking about Rainbows for Talitha next year if she wants to. Worth looking into anyway.