A lesson in slowing down
I’m a great believer in listening to what life is telling me.. this week my lesson was to slow down. Monday I got the beginnings of a headache, an afternoon on the computer and then an evening at Rainbows didn’t help. By the time I went to bed my head was pounding. I was sure a sleep would leave me feeling better. Tuesday came around with my head still hurting. I managed to get through the day somehow, though my the end of it I now had a piercing pain in my left temple. I planned a relaxing bath and an early night…. of course that wasn’t to be. Five minutes after putting her to bed, Baya came through in hysterics, apparently terrified of wolves! Two hours later and I finally managed to calm her down a little, and she fell asleep…. in my bed. I snuggled with her for a few hours, sometime in the night, I moved into her bed where she woke me up just after 6am.
For two brief minutes I thought all was good and my headache had gone. Nope. My head now felt like someone had put it in a vice and was squeezing. Hard. I felt weak and shaky, and stumbled back into my bed. Ten minutes later it was clear Baya wasn’t going to go back to sleep so I took her downstairs so we didn’t wake Papa. I hid on the sofa under a blanket while she ate breakfast and played.
By the time everyone was up and Papa heading out to college, I decided the only thing I could do was sleep. The girls put Charlie and the Chocolate factory on and let me sleep for two whole hours. I woke still feeling awful, and took an hour to get out of bed. Managed to stumble down the stairs and have tea and crumpets when Papa arrived home to check on us and make lunch for the kiddos. He sent me back off to bed for another hour. Thankfully this time when I woke, the pain had eased and I just had a niggly bit of headache left but felt half human at least!
I’m not good at sitting and doing nothing. I’m not the kinda gal who’ll spend the afternoon sat around, watching TV. I’d rather be busy. As a homeschooling mama, who works from home, my to-do list is never ending. Some days I add more than I tick off. I’ll push myself to get as much done as I can, even if I’m tired and not feeling good. I’ll stay up way to late, then feel awful in the morning when Baya wakes me up. Since she’s been sleeping all night in her bed, she’s suddenly started waking up a good hour or hour and a half earlier in the mornings. Yet I’ve been going to bed just as late meaning I’m loosing out on precious sleep.
I’m sure I’m not the only Mama who puts herself last sometimes, so busy taking care of everyone else, that I forget I need to take care of me too. But if I’m ill, then I can’t look after anyone at all. If I’ve learnt anything from this week it’s that I need to slow down. That it’s ok to switch off in the evening and relax. That the to-do list will keep. That life isn’t about reaching the finish line, but enjoying the journey. That maybe sometimes, we all need a little help. Something to help us unwind and relax. THC is a wonderful sleep aid, it is worth our time to read user reviews and consider if it could help you.
It’s a timely lesson for me. We have big changes coming and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about what it is that I really want out of this life. It’s all to easy to get caught up and not stop and take stock of what is really important to us. Today the sun is shining, I’m turning off the computer and heading out in the garden with the kiddos, a picnic lunch and some gardening plans.
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you baby me mummy
June 12, 2014 at 11:02Fab post. I could learn a lot from you. I work every evening and every spare second during the way. I have forgotten what it is like to just chill out x
Live Love Random
June 12, 2014 at 12:25You poor thing! I’ve had days like that! If you don’t know how to slow down, your body will definitely tell you. I’m a mom, work full time, go to college, and I’ve got two teenagers. All the work never ends! Ha! I’ve worked myself sick in the past, and had to learn how to relax. It’s okay to stop and smell the roses ;)
Zena's Suitcase
June 12, 2014 at 12:45It definitely sounds like you’ve been doing to much, we are all guilty of that aren’t we. Really hope you start to make some me time and are feeling better
Jen aka The Mad House
June 12, 2014 at 13:28This is a lesson I learned the hard way after becoming really unwell. Now I listen to what my body has to say and by doing that I am well enough to listen to everyone else.
S J Thurley
June 12, 2014 at 13:31Stress headaches are the worst ever. Its natures way telling you to relax…………..Hard I know when your a mummy but even 10 minutes a day would be better than nothing. Hope you are feeling better soon sweetie xxx
lisa prince
June 12, 2014 at 13:52I dont think i ever relax well notuntill around 11pm when lil ones are all finally fast asleep and washing and houseworks all done x
Mums do travel
June 12, 2014 at 14:26I’m glad you’re feeling batter and taking some time to relax. I need to do that too!
Angela Spicer
June 12, 2014 at 14:54I find it really difficult to just sit and do nothing. My mind is always buzzing with what has to be done. Well done for resting though
Hannah Staveley
June 12, 2014 at 18:17Fantastic read ,I have to be on my toes as well .x
June 12, 2014 at 18:50I’m exactly the same, hate not doing something, I find it really hard to shut off ever. I really think it’s a skill to be able to! x
Nayna Kanabar (@SIMPLYF00D)
June 12, 2014 at 20:21We all get trapped in this cycle and its so hard to step back and create leisure time for one self.
June 12, 2014 at 20:37This is something I need to think about too – I find I’m always putting everyone first x
June 12, 2014 at 20:38I’m terrible at slowing down but I have to now because I’ve got a chronic illness. Actually being forced to do this has made me realise that when I do things more slowly I enjoy life more, and appreciate every moment more.
Jane @ northernmum
June 12, 2014 at 22:35Great post, hope you had a lovely afternoon in the sun x
June 12, 2014 at 22:40Glad you are feeling better and hope being out in the garden help. We need to remember to look after ourselves too!
June 13, 2014 at 06:51Glad you’ve slowed down – I have been doing more of that lately too.
52 Weeks of Gratitude - Week Six - This Enchanted Pixie //
June 13, 2014 at 07:30[…] A lesson in slowing down […]
June 13, 2014 at 17:48it’s easy to carry on going when things are clearly telling us to slow down – stop evern. Glad you are feeling better. I actually stopped today and sat in the garden with my sister and niece and it was nice to be replying to work emails or writing blog posts…I too find it difficult to stop, and I’m now beavering away trying to catch up >_<
June 13, 2014 at 20:43Bless you it’s always good to take the time to slow down. I hope you’re migraine stays away. If don’t have them regularly then google thunderclap headaches just to be on the safe side. x
Sarah Bailey
June 14, 2014 at 02:11Fantastic posts, sometimes it is so much easier to just keep going rather than slowing down and taking some time. x
June 14, 2014 at 09:48I agree it’s really important to slow yourself down every now and than – both the body and mind need it. Lovely post!
Laura x
June 14, 2014 at 16:19I get migraines every now and then and find them debilitating. It’s such a horrible feeling. And I never have any time to myself but I have been finding recently that every month or so I have a day where from about 6pm I feel totally and completely exhausted….it’s like my body forcing me to stop and relax and making me unable to do anything else. We definitely need to listen to what our bodies are telling us!
June 14, 2014 at 22:47I always mean to take some time for myself, it’s difficult but we need to put ourselves first some times. Hope you’re feeling better soon.
Shell Louise
June 15, 2014 at 13:24I suffer with horrible headaches that can last days. I’m glad you’re all better xx
Helen @ Witty Hoots
June 17, 2014 at 00:28Horrible headaches can really bring your mood down. Glad your headache has cleared up now!
Julien Peter Benney
June 20, 2014 at 06:41I wish I could slow down a lot myself, especially as I have lately had a bad cold with mucus occasionally coming out of my mouth and persistent if not frequent sneezing. The weahter, as is usual in the southern Australian winter, is nothing to complain about at all, but the persistent cold has affected me feelings towards the environment and made me feel colder than I ordinarily would.
I have wanted to do so much that, even though I try to be step-by-step, there are always other “odd” jobs with my email taking far too much time for me to relax and slow down. Even watching football (Australian rules for those abroad) is not the relaxing thing I want it to be.
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