Magic Hour >>>

One of my favourite things about the better weather and lighter evenings, is our after-dinner walks. There is something so simple, yet so wonderful about taking a walk in the evening. Sometimes we go to the park, often we just stroll around. Occasionally we’ll pick up fresh doughnuts or cakes for the walk :)

The evening light is always beautiful, it’s a wonderful time to chat with the kiddos about their day and what they’d like to do the next day. There is a little stream running by our house, and the past couple of years there have been ducks nesting there – we’ve spied them once this year and are hopeful there will be babies soon!

Today we’re heading to our home school group, the kiddos are excited to catch up with some friends. Happy Friday folks

pee.ess we’ve been loving listening to They Might Be Giants lately, they’re always good, and my kiddos love them! Educational, but not patronising…..


  1. K@DragonflyMumma

    May 4, 2013 at 00:47

    They Might Be Giants are actually touring down in Australia at the moment!I love the longer days heading into summer, we are heading into winter in our part of the world, so the afternoons and evenings are darker now. We’d love to get chickens, ducks and geese one day…

    1. polly

      May 9, 2013 at 09:24

      I’d love to see them live!

  2. Julie

    May 5, 2013 at 19:55

    oh, haven’t heard them for years – but am off to dig out my old album now.

    Love the idea of an evenings stroll in the late sunshine. We’ve never done this as we’ve always had pretty early bedtimes for the kiddos (after being out and about most days, they are done in and ready for sleep by 7/7:30 even now) but it’s definitely something that I might try later in the summer – bet it must be really fun. Am also going to let them stay up late over the summer and watch the stars come out – we get quite a few bats and the odd owl here, so I think it would be a really magical experience for them.

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