DIY: Clipboard + a printable

in an attempt to keep track of all i’m meant to do, as my tired mama brain can’t manage it by itself, i make a new things to do printable. then i decided that it would be even better if i had it clipped up somewhere i could see it, so it didn’t get buried under a mountain of stuff on my desk!
so…. as i didn’t have a clipboard lying around, and am too impatient to buy one – i made one! i used a canvas board i had already, a sheet of scrapbooking paper and a bulldog clip

first things, i covered the canvas board with the paper, folded the edges over the back and taped ’em down. then added a blob of hot glue and fixed the clip on {it doubles as a hanger too!}printed out my things to do list and hung it up!! {click on the image below to print out a copy of my things to do list}


  1. Catherine Palairet Stone

    October 9, 2012 at 09:12

    your clipboard looks nicer than the ones in the shops too!! I like it a lot… so much so I’m going to hunt down my old canvas board and bulldog clip and make one too! :)

  2. Manda Rave

    October 9, 2012 at 13:43

    looks lovely!

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    August 27, 2015 at 16:37

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