Reasons I prefer a night in to a night out

Maybe it’s a sign of our age, or just simple logistics, but we’d far rather have a night in than a night out. Once upon a time, I’d happily spend Friday and Saturday nights out, even after I became a mama, I’d get the kids to bed, get dressed up and head out to town with friends once in a while.

Now though, our idea of a good night is one spent at home. Childcare is tricky to arrange, even more so because the kiddos have a zillion clubs [or so it feels] every single evening, os leaving someone else in charge means giving them a giant list of who’s going out when, who’ll be home when, who needs dinner, etc It’s stressful for me, and I know the routines let alone for someone else who doesn’t!

While we do love to get out of the house for a date night once in a while, more often than not, given the option we’ll stay home. Here are five reasons why we prefer a night in to a night out;


1| You don’t have to dress up

Date night in your PJ’s?! That sounds like my idea night! I’d far rather be in something comfy, than feel like I have to dress up and feel uncomfortable all night long

2| You can save money

Heading out gets expensive, food and drink bills can soon add up. A night at home for us usually consists of a home cooked meal, a bottle of wine and then a few Just Miniatures afterward. We get to have an enjoyable evening without breaking the bank.

3| No childcare worries

Planning a night in means you don’t have to worry about being let down at the last minute for childcare, or getting called to come home half way through the evening because someone is sad/sick/being trouble!

4| You can binge watch your favourite shows

We love nothing more than an evening on the sofa, binge watching our latest guilty pleasure on Netflix.

5| You get to talk

An evening out is lovely BUT more often than not when we go out it’s to an event, we have fun, and get to see friend, but don’t really spend quality time together. Night’s in give us uninterrupted time to talk.

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