Let’s talk Periods


Periods. They’re never fun when you first start when you’re a teenager there seem to be so many things to navigate, and having to deal with periods amongst all the other teen angst can be hard. I remember when I first started mine, I always used to worry about leaking whilst I was at school. It was that dreaded fear of everyone finding out you were on your period. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who was worried about leaking either.

With three daughters there is a lot of period talk in my house. I’ve always been open and honest with them, it’s not a taboo subject – after all, it’s just a bodily function, no different to crying or sweating, and I never wanted them to feel self-conscious or uncomfortable talking about periods.

I was chatting with my eldest a little while ago, and she said how awkward it was when your cycle was still regulating itself. You’re never entirely sure just when you’re period is going to start, meaning there is always that worry about getting caught out, especially if she is away from the house. After doing a little research, we came across Knixteen boyshort underwear for leaks. She prefers a boyshort style underwear, so they are perfect for her.

Knixteen is period proof underwear for teens. Made from super soft LYCRA SPORT® fabric and carbon cotton, with a seamless design so they are invisible under your clothing, they have ‘Oh-No’ Proof Technology™ to protect you from any leaks. Designed to be worn with a pad/tampon during your period, they can absorb 1-3tsp of blood, making them ideal for when you’re period is due as you’ll be safe from any leaks if you start unexpectedly. They have really thin panty liner built right in, saving you and your pants from life-ruining leaks. They also use odor-crushing technology to keep that period smell at bay & you smelling fresh.

I’m actually tempted to invest in some for me as well as her, it’s always good to feel safe and protected when Aunt Flo comes to visit! I lvoe that my girls can talk to me about periods, I never could talk to my Mum about these topics, so I wanted to ensure that they felt they could. I’ve talked to them since they were tots, even Beastie now asks questions if he comes to the toilet with me, so I’ll explain to him in a way he can understand.

I wish period proof underwear had been a thing when I was a teenager – it would have made life a lot less stressful!


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