Advanced Biobanking with LifeBankUSA

Baby sleeping on pregnant woman's stomach

When I was pregnant the first couple of times, cord blood banking wasn’t something that I even heard of, let alone considered. By the time I had my fourth it was definitely becoming more known about, and something that I would love to have done. If you haven’t heard of it before, cord blood banking involves collecting blood left in your newborn’s umbilical cord and the mother’s placenta and storing it for future medical use.

Stem cells are the building blocks of your immune system and your blood, they have the ability to develop into other types of cells. This allows them to repair tissues, blood vessels and organs as well as treating a lot of other diseases. If your child was diagnosed with cancer, they will receive chemotherapy and the cancer could go into remission. If the treatment failed or the cancer came back, the next step would be  a stem cell transplant. This would create a new, healthy blood and immune system and would offer them a better chance at recovery.

Cord blood banking is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to collect, process and preserve your baby’s stem cells for future medical use. Collecting your baby’s cord blood is a simple and safe procedure that happens immediately after the birth and usually takes the healthcare provider about 5 minutes to collect and package for shipment to our state-of-the-art facility located in New Jersey. Cord blood is an important source of rich stem cells, and has been proven in treatments to help replace and rebuild diseased blood cells.

Cord blood can treat over 70 different diseases, including leukemia, Hodgkin’s Disease, and more. You can even be treated with someone else’s stem cells. If your disease is cancer, you would need stem cells from a healthy donor because using your own stem cells brings a risk of putting the disease right back into your body. With all of the benefits to using a cord blood bank, it is something that you really should consider. It might not be cheap, but it could make such a difference and possibly be the one thing which saves a life.

There is so much to learn about the possibilities of Advanced Biobanking, from placental blood banking to complete placenta banking to cord vessels and cord platelet rich plasma. The LifeBankUSA website has everything you need to know to make an informed decision for your family on cord blood banking. If I were ever to have another baby, I’d definitely want to save the cord blood, I wish that it had been something I’d thought more seriously about in my previous pregnancies.

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