What my Mama taught me

With Mothers Day tomorrow, I’ve heard whispers of secret plans between my kiddos and their Papa. I remember last year Kiki insisting I got out of bed at 6am as she was so excited for me to open my presents!!

I’m not one to want expensive gifts – quite honestly, I’d be happy with a lie-in {never going to happen this year!} and breakfast in bed.


Miss Kiki has been working on her ‘Cook’ badge for brownies this past week, and being in the kitchen with her, watching her make cakes and fruit salad all by herself just as I’ve taught her, reminds me of my Mama doing the same for me. I remember happy Saturday afternoons baking cakes, watching her break eggs with ease, licking the bowl clean after. Cold, wintery days stiring the Christmas cake, and evenings making treats for our annual Bonfire Night party.

I remember making breakfast in bed for my Mama, and I’m sure that even if it wasn’t perfect, it was the tastiest breakfast ever just because it was made with so much love. My love of baking and cooking grew from those afternoons in the kitchen with my Mama, she taught me how to mix and measure and stir. By watching I picked up how to make so many dishes, as a teenager who was usually home before her each evening, I’d make our evening meal.

Being able to cook and bake is such an important skill, one of which I’ve forever grateful she took the time to teach me. Mothers Day is an important time to say a big THANK YOU and an I LOVE YOU to our Mama’s, and treat them to a little something special.

post in association with Debenhams

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