Thoughts on a New Year

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I’m sure that you’re well aware it’s a brand new year…. every social media network makes sure that you do know! I’ve never been a big one for New Years Eve… even before babies, I wasn’t bothered about going out to see the new year in, and I’m not the biggest fan of setting New Years Resolutions. Personally, Autumn always seems to be a time of starting over, and making new plans – perhaps it’s years of the new school year starting in September!

This year, though, with a brand new baby, it does feel like a whole new start for us as a family. We’re setting out on a new path, one where there are six of us! Although parenthood is not new for us, the arrival of this little man sparks a new chapter in our lives. I’m excited to embrace all that four children will bring – including the chaos and sleepless nights ;)

I’ve been thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. No big goals, just focusing on the little, but important things. Being a good mum, wife, friend. Learning to balance every-bodies needs, to adjusting my focus and slowing down and savouring these months of having a tiny baby. I know from experience just how fast time goes, and I want to soak up every single minute of him being little.

I shut up my on-line shops at the end of last year, this blog has grown into my main job and with a new arrival I knew that I couldn’t juggle everything. I want to carve out some time for myself this year, to craft because I want to, not because I have to keep a shop fully stocked. I’m hoping that difference re-ignites the passion that was missing last year from my crafting.

My main focus this year, asides from this space, is this little family of mine. I’m thinking some one-on-one time with each of my girls, and lots of little adventures. We have a couple of holidays planned already – something that is seeing me through these sleepless nights! I’m just grateful to be where I am, surrounded by children, able to work from home and spend my days with them. That for this year, is enough.

What are your thoughts on the New Year – do you make a list of New Year’s Resolutions?


  1. Becky Brown

    January 3, 2015 at 18:05

    I’m not really making any new year resolutions this year but there are loads of things I want to try and do personally and as a family. I need to grow my main business but also want to get a crafty business up and running hopefully before the summer. We also want to get out and about more as a family, travelling, camping, going abroad, as I think it’s so important that our boys see more of the world out there. I’m looking forward to reading about your year ahead as a family of 6!

  2. Kahler

    January 3, 2015 at 21:32

    New Years has never really been my thing either even before kids too, but this year I have been planning a lot. It’s our first official year of homeschooling and we’re (hopefully) going to sell our house so I think we’re going to be busy! and as I’m not a naturally organised person I think that this planning stage makes me feel a bit more prepared about the coming year. I can’t wait to read more about your adventures as a family of 6 too :) all the best for 2015 xx

  3. Emma Deer

    January 3, 2015 at 23:35

    I’m not a resolution maker, but just recently, I have turned myself on to the idea of making goals and it definitely feels like it is helping in the bigger picture! Have a wonderful year :)

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