a book about me >>>>

back in january i took part in mama scout’s family lab {which by the way she is running free on her blog right now!!}. the kiddos and i loved working through all the prompts and creative ideas that came every day. they spiced things up and gave us some new ideas to try.


amy also offers ‘a book about me‘ – a thirty day lab that is primarily for mamas who have given so much to their children and families that they have lost a bit of themselves along the way.


“By recording the details of our lives, both big and small, through word and image, we recover our lost selves and reconstruct stronger versions of the women we want to be.
You might be looking for the forgotten you, the submerged self, a younger or different you than who you confront in the mirror each morning. This course is to help you uncover her, find her and also redefine her. Because chances are, she has been deep in the muck so long, she might have evolved into something a little different. “


the elab consists of 30 emails containing a short essay, a meaty journal prompt, a creative invitation and additional resources to help you on your journey. based on how much we loved the family lab – i’d say this course is going to be amazing!!! to find out more and to sign up head over HERE

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