Thursday Thursday…..

Thursday already and 3 days into March!!! I feel like I should be doing something exciting to mark the last few weeks of being a twenty-something!! Not sure what though…..
As it is, I seem to have an ever increasing To-Do List, and not enough hours to do everything I need to/want to. I feel like I’m battling to do everything all at once. I need to ease off but that’s easier said than done! I also feel like I’m fighting to keep my head above water, I can feel the niggles of ‘the blues’ coming, and I’m trying hard to keep them away. Trying to keep smiling, trying to keep the positive attitude. Feeling like I’m supposed to pretend that everything is fantastic even if I don’t feel that way. I’m stressed out trying to do everything/be everything – mum, homeschooler, wife, housekeeper, blogger, crafter etc etc. I’m reluctant to stop and do nothing though because those are the times when the blues can worm there way back in… too much time to think is not good for me!!! So I keep pushing and pushing myself…
In a bid to stay organised and keep track of everything, I made myself a new organiser last night for blog stuff/etsy stuff. Covered a plain hardback notebook and made some tabs to put inside (idea from Campfire Chic)

We’re having a lazy day…girls are watching a movie this morning, while I blog and do some Etsy listings. I need to put the finishing touches to my giveaway that will be up at the beginning of next week. Then we’re going to bake some cakes before my friend and her baby visit this afternoon!!!

family of mini owls I made yesterday – one is up for grabs in my giveaway, the rest are flying of to my etsy shop!!!

I’ll be back later on with another birthday guest post!

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