Search results for: family meal plan

Super seedy snacks for busy Mama’s

All of us Mama’s have been there, the crazy days with a newborn when you just don’t have time to grab a snack let alone make yourself a healthy meal that you can eat with...

Tips for Taking Toddlers on Vacation

Taking the kids on vacation can be wonderful, but equally, it can be an absolute nightmare. The key to success is plenty of advanced planning and the ability to let minor problems drift over your...

Slow days, garden time and a life, lately

I’ve stepped away from the online world of late. The noise and pace of a life lived online felt too much, and I felt called to slow down, to step away from the laptop and phone...

Spring cleaning our diet

I’ll be the first to admit that the last six months there have been a few too many chocolate bars, and more nights where oven chips featured than I’d care for. I’m cutting myself some...

Ideas for a slow sunday

Life is pretty hectic, it gets busy and stressful and by the weekend more often than not I’m exhausted and want to hide in a cave! Mama’s keep on going, often giving more than they...

6 tips to cut the cost of your weekly food shop

  I’ve always been quite good at living on a budget – when my girls were little, money was very tight and every penny counted. these days, my budget isn’t quite so tight BUT I...

Cooking with your kids

I LOVE baking with my kids {and I love even more having kids who are now big enough to bake all by themselves!!}. Ever since Lola was a tot, I’d have her in the kitchen...

Vega’s 18 month update

18 months!!! It seems like ages since I last posted an update {you can see his previous monthly updates here}. These past six months since his first birthday have flown by, and it’s crazy that...