Creating our dream pet

We’ve had an assortment of pets over the years as a family…rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, fish, hamsters and cats. Currently, we have 2 cats and 1 guinea pig and kiddos who constantly ask for varying different pets almost every day. Baya would love a horse {or a unicorn}, Kiki wants some pigs and Lola a cow {I think I need to move to a farm!!}. Beastie boy would love a dog of his own – I’d love a dog too as I had one growing up and really miss the companionship. One day!

petplan dream pet

Trips to the pet shop are always tricky as the girls fall in love with the animals there and beg me to bring them home. Once they named a guinea pig and I ended up buying him ha!! And we’ve left with tears more than once, because mean Mama said no to the hamsters.

kiki dream pet petplan lola dreampet

One rainy afternoon I sat the big three kids down whilst Beastie napped and set them the task of drawing their dream pet! They had so much fun drawing and I love what they came up with!

girls dreampets

PetPlan pet insurance offered to turn our dream pet into a cuddly toy we could keep {far easier to look after than a real animal too!} I got the girls to work together and draw another pet between them – Kiki did the wings and legs, Baya the body and horn and Lola the head and tail. I love what they came up with….

final dreampet drawing

The girls waited {im}patiently for Petplan to turn their drawing into a cuddly toy, and the morning the postman brought him they were SO excited – seriously, I’ve only seen them that excited at Christmas before! I think he’s amazing – the girls have been taking turns in having him for lots of bedtime cuddles!

baya dreampet cuddly toy petplan dreampet dreampet cuddly


Thanks to PetPlan for helping us create our dream pet!


  1. Fritha

    July 18, 2016 at 19:45

    I LOVE this campaign! I need to pick ours in from the Post Office as I think it arrived when we were away. It’s such a brilliant idea and a great way to highlight Pet Plan. Love your unicorn! x

  2. Christina

    July 18, 2016 at 20:55

    I had never even heard of this campaign!!! What a totally wonderful idea. I must get my little one drawing and see what she comes up with. I currently use pet plan as well for my horse insurance. They were fantastic when my elderly horse badly cut her leg and they paid her vet bills with no hesitation

  3. Molly =

    July 19, 2016 at 14:47

    SO cute! What a great idea for a campaign – my 6 year old would LOVE that unicorn!

  4. Alice

    July 19, 2016 at 21:55

    That is the coolest pet ever!! Where do I get one?! x

  5. katie albury

    July 20, 2016 at 12:33

    Oh my goodness!! How adorable is this…such a brilliant idea and their dream pet is awesome! x

  6. Laura

    August 19, 2016 at 12:32

    Oh my this is absolutely amazing!!!! I love the idea of getting toys created from children drawing – so creative and beautiful!

    Laura x

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