How to save on your energy bills this winter

This year we’ve all worked at home more and it looks like this style of working may be here to stay for the foreseeable future. Whether your home is powered by gas, electricity, oil, or renewable energy, you should take the time to revisit your energy plan to make sure you’re getting the best deal. If you rely on oil, it’s worth being organised and investing in Super Saver Oil before the winter months arrive. Demand can become high and costs potentially soar. It’s been a tough financial year for most people so, even more than usual, it’s worth making savings where possible. Here are simple ways for how you could save on your energy bills this winter.

Maintain your boiler

Your boiler and radiator are the vital keys to keep your home warm and comfortable during winter; Radiator for bathroom is another must-have for every house as they serve by keeping your bathroom warm and your towels dry, each year they should be serviced to make sure it’s working as efficiently as possible. It’s best to do this in the summer months to make sure your boiler is up and running before the cold weather strikes. Servicing your boiler annually should also mean you don’t get any emergencies, unexpected bills and repair costs.

Turn your thermostat down and layer up 

By reducing the temperature on your thermostat, even by 1°C, you could make a saving on your monthly bill. Layer up with warm clothes and a pair of socks to keep you warm while you work. Only heat the rooms you need to prevent wasted energy on heating. Consider getting an energy monitor, as this will work out how much energy you are using as well as which items consume the most energy in your home.

Keep the heat in and the cold out

You could easily save money by making your house more efficient and stopping heat from escaping through gaps. Use specialist draught-proofing strips on doors and windows, as well as draught excluders at the bottom of doors and around letterboxes. Try to keep internal doors closed where possible to prevent heat from escaping from each room. Correctly insulating your loft could also make your home more efficient and sustainable as well as helping to prevent heat from escaping.

Make sure you bleed your radiators

If your radiators are not regularly bled, air can get trapped inside which prevents them from working as well as possible. Over time, if the hot water isn’t able to circulate properly, radiators can develop cold spots and therefore become less efficient. Bleeding radiators is a simple but very effective solution to increase efficiency and save money. It’s also worth making sure that your radiators aren’t covered by large items of furniture as this can prevent heat from dispersing around the room.

Turn appliances off when not in use

To save on costs, simply switch off appliances at the plug when not in use. This simple technique prevents wasted energy and will save you money. When using your washing machine, turn the temperature down to 30°C or 40°C, this will substantially reduce the energy needed and it’s much better for the planet too. If you need to purchase any new appliances, it’s worth considering an energy efficiency model that could save you substantial money in the long-term.

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