Tag: thishomeschoolinglife


Not Back to School

It’s September, and we’re celebrating another year of ‘Not Back to School’. We’ve gotten back into our homeschool rhythm this week, it actually felt good to get back to some kind of routine after a fun and hectic summer. I was a little unsure about whether or not we’d still be home educating this year, at...

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A little homeschooling update

It feels like forever since I’ve written a homeschooling post on here, in fact, searching back, the last time I wrote an actual update was back in January – yikes! LIfe has been pretty full on for the first half of this year, as busy as you’d imagine with four kids at home 24/7 plus...

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Homeschool | October in review

October felt like a good month. We’ve found our groove at last after the summer, happily falling back into new {old} rhythms. I try to find balance over the course of a week, rather than each day… so some dyas are all about homeschool stuff, some days we’ll be out with friends all day, somedays...

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This Homeschooling Life #18

February! January came and went in the blink of an eye, homeschooling wise it was a pretty good month for us. Winter always sees us spending more time indoors, escaping the cold and the rain, focused on more projects and filling our days with crafts, books and lots of baking! Someone asked me last month...

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