Three Good Things

Three Good Things

It took me waaaay too long to put this together… while there is SO much good stuff in my life right now, I’m also hugely stressed out and my anxiety is through the roof. I’m really struggling to be present online – it is a sure fire way of making my anxiety even worse scrolling through Social Media. Anyway, I’m working extra hard to be present, to stay in the moment and to not sit and worry about tomorrow, and to be grateful for what I have

So here are my three godo things from the past couple of weeks…


* FESTIVALS ~ we just got back from Just So last week, and are heading to AudioFarm on Wednesday ~ we’re feeling super lucky

* NEW SPACE ~ I’m moving my bedroom down into what was our den, and I am so excited to have a fresh new space soon

* NIGHTS OUT ~ something totally new to me, having never really had a social life since being a Mama, and definitely never being taken out for meals and drinks. But I am loving it!


What are your #threegoodthings?

Here’s my button if you’d like to join in and blog your gratitude list!

Enchanted Pixie

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