Tag: baby update


Oren Sage Malachi – 16 week update

16 weeks. Oh boy ♥ Oren is such a little love. He’s a super smily boy, loves to chatter with us and be a part of whatever is going on around him! He’s still not sleeping through {all of his siblings were by now}. He wakes pretty much every two hours still. He’s usually down...

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Oren Sage Malachi – Eight Week Update

Eight whole weeks of Oren! Time is flying by far too fast. It’s bittersweet watching him grow and change every day. Looking back at his newborn photos it seems both like yesterday and like forever ago. He’s changed so much in how he looks, his little face has unsquished now, and he’s slowly unfurling. He’s...

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Oren Sage Malachi – Week Four

Four weeks!! Hard to believe a whole four weeks have passed, yet at the same time, it feels like Oren has always been here. He’s been for his first camping trip this week, and aced it! Honestly, I think newborns are pretty easy to take camping – they don’t notice where they are. as long...

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