4 ways a dog can improve your life

person walking with puppy near trees

While they may be expensive, wake you up early, and demand playtime, we love our dogs unconditionally. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Our four-legged friends benefit not only our mental health but our physical health too. Here are four ways a dog can improve your life.

They make you happy

Whether it’s a movie on TV or a cute puppy in the street, you already know how much happiness dogs bring. There’s a scientific reason behind this boost in mood – spending time with your pup increases levels of dopamine and serotonin.

Even when you’re feeling down, a cuddle with your dog can help you get through the tough times. Simply petting them can release oxytocin, another hormone that’s associated with social bonding and stress reduction.

Increase your fitness levels

Dogs require a fair bit of exercise, even those breeds that spend most of their time curled up on the sofa. From daily walks to running around the park, being active with your furry friend can have a big effect on your physical health.

You’ll even reap the benefits from just small doses each day, such as a reduced risk of obesity and heart disease, lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. It’s the perfect way to up your fitness, especially if sports or going to the gym aren’t necessarily your thing.

Give you a sense of purpose

Many dog owners will tell you that their dog knows exactly when they’ll be fed or walked. The reason for that is they have their own body clocks, which means even if you forget to do something, they’ll certainly remind you.

This routine provides stability and helps you build healthy habits, like regular sleep schedules and mealtimes. Just be sure to provide everything for them to maintain their routine too, including a luxury dog bed to relax in and food tailored to meet their dietary needs.

Prevent loneliness and encourage socialising

If you live on your own or find making friends quite difficult, owning a dog can help with this. Human-animal interactions can be deep, and certainly fight against loneliness. In particular, elderly people who experience isolation can benefit from a furry friend since they offer unconditional love and emotional support.

Not only this but dogs can make fostering social connections with other people much easier. This could be from bumping into people in the local park or finding common interests with other owners over social media.

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