Mindful Monday
Weekends. They’re often seen as the holy grail – ‘survive the week and enjoy the weekend’. I’m grateful that I have a life I don’t need to ‘survive’ just to get two days at the weekend to enjoy. I am lucky that I’ve been able to build a life that fills me up and satisfies my soul. Doing something I love day in, day out, spending my days with people I love.
That’s not to say I don’t appreciate the weekends when they arrive. While I might not need to escape from daily life, our weekdays are usually pretty hectic and full on. Work, home ed work, social groups, organised activities, meet-ups with friends, family activities, etc, etc….. often I don’t stop from the minute I get up until I fall into bed far too many hours later.
So for me, weekends are about slowing down. Not having to be anywhere. Being able to do the things that I want to do without too much of a time schedule.
A time when I can replenish my own cup and just enjoy life.
This past weekend was pretty near perfect. We packed a lot in, but my cup is feeling full this morning. Some weekends we’ll catch up with friends, but this was a quiet family weekend – in the middle of two very busy weeks I needed some alone time!
We started how we meant to go on with a fire on Friday night. Nothing beats sitting around a fire – we had some sparklers left over from bonfire night and marshmallows to toast.
Saturday the boys were excited to have an hour of screen time first thing {something that doesn’t happen in the week} while I cleaned the house. Music on, incense burning I actually find cleaning quite therapeutic these days! it’s good to get on top of the chaos at the end of a week so it’s ready for a new week. Two loads of laundry hung out to dry. Then the boys and I went for a walk into town, I’d promised them they could visit the new toy shop – and gave them a strict budget for a little treat each! We grabbed a treat from the bakery, then called into the refill shop in town and found a new little shop selling lots of goodies like dreamcatchers, coconut bowls and spoons and lots of other lovely things.
In the afternoon the boys played in the garden and started making a gnome garden while I cleaned out the chickens and did a few other garden jobs.
Baya came home from gymnastics and we made homemade pizzas for dinner, and watched Coco all together. Kiki had a friend staying over so they were tucked up in her room.
Sunday brought sunshine, so after a slow start to the morning, we headed off to the zoo for a couple of hours. Oren wanted me to see the baby Rhino – who was happily splashing in a muddy puddle! We also had a walk in the nature reserve there before heading home. Another hour in the garden, then Baya and I spent a while in the kitchen – making quiches, cheese straws, some lemon curd and stewed a load of windfall apples we had.
Simple – but good. My perfect kind of weekend!
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