These days

It’s mid-afternoon, the sun is streaming through the kitchen window. I’m stood by the side, typing away on my keyboard. The baby is sleeping in the sling, he managed twenty minutes in bed before he called for me. I’m always torn between needing to put him down for some space and wanting to keep him close to me.
We’ve done our school work for the day, ticked off the tasks for a Paw Print badge, played a few games, eaten lunch, hula-hooped, done PE this morning. Kiki and Baya are about to hop on a zoom call with their gymanstics for some group conditioning.
A month into lockdown, and it feels kind of normal now. At home, our life is carrying on, and it’s easy to forget the reasons why we are staying home. The weekend was tough. Saturday brough rain and cold temperatures, leaving us all feeling grumpy and naggy with each other. I could have used a friend and a hug and a chat.
The sun came out again on Sunday, we went for a long walk by the river and the world felt right again.
I’m loving these long days at home. They’re not always easy, looking after five little people, keeping them fed and occupied, loved and hugged, diffusing arguments and soothing hurts.
But we’re gaining so much from this time together. Time that is so precious. The bigger kids are almost grown, and that means less time at home, more with friends, groups, college… the time when they’ll move out moves every closer so it is so lovely to have this extra time with them right now.
For Oren, he is thriving – long days at home are far better for a baby than being dragged around following the big ones around. The other two are happy to potter around on projects, playing in the garden, playing games and having fun together.
When life goes back to normal, we will appreciate having had this time togehter, to strengthen bonds and make memories. We’ll all be glad to have a life outside of the house again, but right now, I’m just so very grateful that we can be safe at home… that we have a home and a garden, and all that we really need right here.
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April 27, 2020 at 08:49Go find a book to read or something you creep.
Or just dont be a dick.
April 27, 2020 at 08:59Thanks for the advice. Nice to know you have nothing better to do than spy on me… As i didn’t say we were out for two hours OR at Erddig.