If you’ve followed my blog for a few years, you’ll remember that I used to do the 52 project – a weekly portrait project of each of my kiddos. I loved having those photos to look back on at the end of each year, and see how the kids had grown and changed through the year. Last year I didn’t do it, for various reasons, and while it was the right choice, I do miss having a collection of photos of them to look back on.
This year, I’ve decided to do a ‘Me & Mine’ project – monthly photos of me and all four kiddos. We don’t have enough family photos, and I’m hoping this will challenge me to change that, whilst giving me some lovely photos to look back on of my crazy little gang at the end of the year!
As the girls get bigger, I find I get less photos of them, as they don’t always want Mama snaping a million photos of them {or sharing what I do take online}. So making the effort to have a monthly photo of all of us together will at least give me a chance to caputre everybody each month!
I decided that rather than just snapping a photo, I’d take a photo each month with the kiddos holding something that represented them or the month just past each time. It’s no surprise that Lola picked a book! {I’m not sure how many times she has read Harry Potter now!}, Kiki choose a make-up pallette, Baya picked her new Build-a-bear toy and Beastie choose his new tub of stickers! Ha ha!
I love this month’s photos – they sum us up perfectly – I’m looking forward to the next 11 months of this project too!
This is such a good idea! I was looking for family pics and I found one…one! of all of us last year. And of course there’s way more of the boys than of me out there. Gonna try and change that this year x
Becky Brown
January 31, 2018 at 20:50This is such a good idea! I was looking for family pics and I found one…one! of all of us last year. And of course there’s way more of the boys than of me out there. Gonna try and change that this year x