Life, lately

THREE SLEEPS TO GO! Excitement in my house is getting out of hand – Kiki keeps coming and telling me “there are so many presents under the tree” haha! December has been a lovely month, lots of fun things going on, SNOW {!!}, catching up with friends, festive crafting… I *think* we are all set for the big day. The gifts are all wrapped, we have enough food to last about a month nevermind for one day and the advent calenders are almost all open.

It’s been one of the nicest run ups to Christmas we’ve had in years, it’s felt like a month full of fun and love, making memories and starting new traditions that suit the five of us. Kiki and Baya finsihed their Gymanstics Christmas Shows last night, so we are officially finished until the New Year. No clubs what so ever – meaning no evenings rushing around, but also means I will not have a clue what day it is for the next two weeks.

We’ve friends coming around this evening for some food and gift exchanging, I’d expected to not have the kids tomorrow, but now I do so I think we’re going to fit in some extra crafting and maybe a festive movie or two. They’re seeing their Dad on Christmas Eve morning, then I’m planning on going to the Crib Service before we come home, get in our PJ’s, watch movies and make a start on teh Christmas munchie food!

I’d totally planned to post more this December, but life got in the way – I’m finding these days, life is so full and so good, that it’s easy to get caught up in living rather than writing about it – pretty sure that’s a good thing, right?!

I’ve just about got everything ready for Mr Beastie’s birthday too – how on earth is he going to be three? Time is crazy, and I wish it would slow the heck down. He has requested a dinosaur cake – so that’ll be me busy after Chrsitmas Day. We’re heading off to spend New Year with friends right after his brithday, so it might be a little quiet around these parts. I’m in need of a couple of ‘offline’ weeks before I put next years goals and plans into action.

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year!

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