Famous Pets!

I’ve always been an animal lover, I grew up with cats and dogs and can’t imagine a house without a pet. There’s something so adorable about a cute little kitten that just makes me go ‘AW’ – or squeal loudly!

Now we’re in the 21st century, so many cute pets are being made famous. It’s not as crazy as it sounds… according to The Co-Op, 24% of dogs and 23% of cats have their own social media accounts!! I probably drive my husband crazy when I’m scrolling through my IG feed an showing him all the photos of cute little pets! They’ve put together a great post on how to make your pet famous!

It seems all the internet loves a cute kitten, fluffy puppies or indeed any squishy baby animal. Kiki spends hours browsing through cute pig pictures…

A photo posted by @boongbg’s (@instapigsss) on

It’s not only cute pets that are famous… quirky pets and grumpy pets gt lots of likes too…

A photo posted by Sara (@sarazanotty) on

I might even be guilty of posting the odd photo of our kitty cats from time to time..

Do you have a social media account for your pet? Would you like to make your pet famous?

post in association with The Co-Op

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