Vegetarian & Vegan Food Guide – London


We’ve been promising the girls a London holiday for the past year. We’d planned to go this autumn, but with bubba on the way decided to put it on hold for a little longer. It’s now pencilled in to our diaries for next year, figuring London with a baby who can go in a sling will be easier than with a toddler who just wants to run around everywhere – especially as the girls have a list a mile long of sights to see and musuems to visit.

Apart from going to Blogtacular in May and passing through London on my way to kent, I haven’t been for years. I used to go quite a lot when I was a teenager, and always loved the hustle and bustle and vibrancy of the city. I remember stumbling on some fabulous places to eat that served some amazing dishes. Being veggie, eating out can be a little trickier {though it’s improved greatly in the past twenty years!} G hates taking me out to eat, as inevitablly I struggle to find a veggie dish I like/want and when I do it seems to be the one thing that has run out ha!

Wild Food Cafe, Covent Garden, London

While walking around and stumbling on a hidden gem is all well and good when you’re single, if you have kiddos with you, then it’s a different matter. You need to know where you’re going to eat before the kiddos start telling you they’re hungry! House Trip have just published a Food Guide to three major cities {London, Paris and Berlin}. Having had a browse through, I now have all my food stops planned ready for our trip! I really want to try out the Wild Food Cafe in Neals Yard – the Living Bruschetta sounds amazing.

It’s great having a guide like this to help you find great places to eat, and now I’m even more excited to visit London next year!

Post in association with House Trip


  1. Blue Eyed Night Owl

    October 23, 2014 at 11:56

    Ooh, I’ve been dying to go to London as well. I’ve only been there once, I think. And it was at least a decade ago. So it’s been nagging at me for a few years now;)

  2. claire

    October 28, 2014 at 23:58

    You should try a day trip to Brighton too! Lots of Veggie/Vegan places there too!
    We live near loving hut and get delivery. But I think there’s a few in London too!
    All vegan and really yummy! The vegan fish burger is so good!
    I’ve never been to Wild Food Cafe but keep meaning to! I think they do vegan soft serve too!
    I’ve not got a big sweet tooth, but I had something with cinnamon and pecans in from cookies and scream in Camden and it was so good!

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