What To Do Before Getting Pregnant For The First Time

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The thought of bringing another human into the world can be exhilarating, as you get to nurture and love someone unconditionally. Moreover, watching your kids grow can be the best feeling ever. If you’re planning to get pregnant for the first time, you may wonder what to do before conceiving. Fortunately, the right steps will ensure that your pregnancy is successful. Here are a few worth considering. 

  1. Go for a preconception appointment 

A preconception appointment with your ob-gyn, midwife, or GP can ensure that your body is fit for carrying a baby. Moreover, your healthcare provider can address all concerns you have regarding your pregnancy. You can expect lots of specific and general screenings and tests, including the following: a pap test, mental health screening, urine test, blood pressure reading, and an abdominal, breast, or pelvic examination. You may also fill out a form regarding surgical, medical, and family health history that may adversely affect you or your baby during pregnancy. It’s also essential for your healthcare provider to test for fertility problems to determine what conception will work for you. For instance, egg donation would be your best option if you can’t use your eggs due to advanced age or ovarian failure, so feel free to consider this. 

  1. Visit your dentist 

Poor oral health is associated with preeclampsia, preterm delivery, pregnancy granuloma, and low birth weight in your baby. Moreover, dental diseases can affect your chances of becoming pregnant. Therefore, regular visits to your dentist are advised. This way, your dentist can detect and treat any oral condition while advising you on the best ways to care for your teeth. You also don’t want to relent in your daily oral hygiene before, during or after pregnancy. Ensure that you brush your teeth twice and floss once daily. Consequently, leverage an anti-bacterial mouthwash daily to reduce plaque buildup and prevent harmful bacteria from causing havoc in your mouth. Since your tongue stores bacteria like a sponge, you’ll find it helpful to brush it with your toothbrush or a tongue scraper. 

  1. Get proper nutrition 

If you’re planning to get pregnant soon, you can’t eat as you please anymore. This is because poor diets lack the following nutrients; calcium, folate, zinc, iodine and iron. And a deficit of these nutrients can cause stillbirth, developmental delays and low birth weight for your baby. You also risk developing anaemia and haemorrhage or losing your life. Therefore, prioritising proper nutrition makes sense. Ensure that your meals contain whole grains, fruit and vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats. By all means, avoid sugary, processed, and fried foods. Foods like avocados, oily fish, nuts, lentils, beans, brown rice, etc., will work well, so feel free to consider them. While at it, ensure that you consume enough folic acid to boost your baby’s development and reduce congenital disabilities. 

  1. Avoid smoking and reduce your drinking 

Preparing for your pregnancy means you must quit smoking, vaping or abusing hard drugs, as these can cause preterm delivery and hurt your chance of conceiving. Likewise, excess alcohol can trigger fetal alcohol syndrome, which can cause stunted growth and brain damage for your baby. You can consider switching your cigarettes with nicotine gums or lozenges to wean you off or seek professional help if you’re struggling to stop. Consequently, avoiding alcohol within a month of your fertility treatment cycle will prove helpful, so keep this in mind. 

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