Three Good Things

Happy new week. I hope that you all had a good weekend, mine was fairly slow and chilled, which is just what I need right now! We caught up with friends, I had the urge to clean the house {hoping it was a sign of baby coming soon….. haha!}, had a BBQ on Saturday night, and I spent a couple of hours on Sunday watching shows with Lola while the little ones were out with their Dad.

Now it’s half term here, I’m 37 weeks pregnant, and trying to make loose plans that are dependant on whether I have a baby that day or not. We have got a few things in place this week, I’m meeting my Doula on Wednesday, Miss Kiki is off to a festival with friends { I am SO gutted we’re not all going, but I’m just too pregnant} and trying to make the most of the peace and getting as much rest as I can while I can!

Here are my #threegoodthings this week:

* FINISHED STUDIES ~ I submitted my final assignment for my OU access course last week, and I am so happy. It’s been really hard to keep motivated to finish the course, when I signed up everything was very different, and the path life took wasn’t what I expected. But I am so happy that I managed to complete the course. Not sure what my future plans are, just glad I stuck this course out.

* SLOWING DOWN ~ I think I finally took my own advice and slowed right down. I’m tired and very pregnant, and honestly, everything else can just wait right now. So I’m savouring these last few days/weeks until this baby arrives, and just letting everything asides from the essentials go.

* FAMILY TIME ~ I woke up the other morning to Mr Beastie snuggled right into me, and Baya climbing into my bed. and in that moment I realised how lucky I am. Sure, some days things are hard, and money is tight but I have the most amazing kiddos and everything I could possibly need.

What are your #threegoodthings – I’d love to hear them!

Here’s my button if you’d like to join in and blog your gratitude list!

Three Good Things with Enchanted Pixie

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