Three Good Things

Good Morning! Hopefully you’re all feeling refreshed after a lovely weekend?! Ours didn’t quite go to plan as the three little kiddos were ill with a bug on Friday and Saturday, so we slowed right down and dropped our plans in favour of resting at home. Last week was a really good week, we didn’t really do very much in particular, but it was nice to have a week at home, just the five of us, uninterrupted.

We’re going away next weekend – staying with friends near the seaside and I cannot wait for sea air and sand between my toes.

Here are my #threegoodthings from last week ~

* JUMPING ~ not literally but metaphorically. If you follow me on IG you’ll have seen the post about jumping when it’s scariest the other day. I’m learning to listen to those feelings of being afraid and understanding that whatever is making me feel that way is exactly what I need to be doing. This week I jumped and boy did it feel good ♥

* SLOW DAYS ~ slow days are seriously my favourite these days. As much as I love adventuring, and going out and about, or spending fun weekends with friends, in between I need slow days to savour – days at home with my kiddos, full of this and that, making memories and having fun

* {VEGGIE} BACON BUTTIES ~ I *may* have had several of these this week. Lack of sleep from looking after ill kids, and not having the energy to cook… This veggie bacon is my favourite… grilled, and eaten in a gluten free bagel with some vegan mayo, a slice of vegan red leicester, some lettuce and tomato – oh my days. SO damn good.

What are you grateful for today?

Here’s my button if you’d like to join in and blog your gratitude list!

Enchanted Pixie

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