How To Banish University Application Stress For Good

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University application stress: it’s real and debilitating. And it can have a tremendous effect on your wellbeing. When you’re stressed out of your mind all the time, it makes a big difference to how you feel, and it can even harm your exam results. 

Stress around college applications is significant. Many students imagine that their choice of university will determine the direction of the rest of their lives, so the pressure to get it right is on. 

However, not only is that type of thinking harmful, it’s largely untrue. Success is directly proportional to the value that a person contributes to society and how they feel about themselves. Colleges have relatively little to do with it. Top universities mainly find students who are already on their way to success because of who they are. Their contribution is, in all likelihood, minimal. 

Are you feeling stressed about your university application? If so, this advice is for you: 

Get Someone With Experience To Proofread Your Applications

Universities use every signal they can to differentiate between students. After all, they have to. The pool of top-grade students is much bigger than there are places available. 

Therefore, they pick apart application forms with a fine tooth comb, looking for signs that you’re a good match for the institution. 

But while this approach works for universities, it piles on pressure for students. You need to make sure that you cross every “t” and dot every “i.”  

If you’re worried about this, get several adults to proofread your application. If you’re doing it on the computer, use software to check it for grammar and spelling. 

Craft A Better Personal Statement

Writing your own personal statement is challenging. It’s not always clear how you should approach it. That’s why a lot of students use a personal statement service. The idea here is to help you bring out your best ideas and put them into a format that universities will place in high regard. 

Take Some Time Out

While applying to a top university might feel like a full-time job, it is still important to take time out. Give yourself a few minutes here and there to stop stressing about applications and do something you enjoy. Remember, life is about much more than academic success. If schooling was as important as young people believe it to be, then there would be more older folks concentrating on it 

Take Time To Breathe

Sometimes, just breathing deeply can be a great way to banish unwanted university application stress. You’ll notice that after six breaths or so, your emotions change and you feel far less anxious than you did before. Panic subsides and, all of a sudden, the university application process feels so much more manageable. 

Use Your Essay To Tell A Story

Lastly, if you’re applying to a university that requires an essay, use it to tell a story. Try to avoid the temptation to make it overly complicated or use long words. Just make it real. That’s what university administrators will appreciate. 

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