Tips for Safely Losing Weight Fast

You’ve likely heard of fad diets that provide huge weight loss promises in an unbelievably short time frame. While there is no shortage of ways to lose weight, they aren’t all safe or healthy. Not to mention that many weight loss plans are downright unenjoyable, leaving you feeling hungry 99% of the time. The key to effectively losing weight is sticking to your chosen diet, and when you’re constantly unsatisfied, it can be hard to do so. Whilst you’re on any kind of diet, it is a good idea to add in some carefully chose supplements, such as ones from Unify Health Labs to support your health and wellbeing. The supplements from Gundry MD are a great tool to support your health – look for a Gundry MD coupon to help you save a little money.

Did you know that there are numerous critters living in the gut, and it is important to ensure that there is a balance between good and bad bacteria? Supplementing with a good quality probiotic is a great way to support gut health, this Nucific Bio X4 review is a great place to find out some of the benefits of taking one.

The main thing you should consider when trying to lose weight quickly is the effect it has on your health. You shouldn’t be robbing your body of essential vitamins or nutrients or working out until you pass out. IT is worth looking at adding supplements into your diet, searching for an African Mango Supplement Manufacturer find a reliable source is a great first place to begin. to By combining a few lifestyle changes with some reliable weight loss programs, you can lose weight efficiently without any negative impact on your health.

1.    VLCD (Very Low-Calorie Diet)

One of the fastest ways you can lose weight safely is through a very low-calorie diet. The diet requires you to reduce your caloric intake to 800 calories per day or below. This huge drop in calories causes your body to enter a state of ketosis where your body will begin using your fat stores for energy.

The best way to ensure you do this diet safely is by choosing a reliable VLCD program which provides you with everything you need. Since your caloric intake is so restricted, you must get the essential nutrients and vitamins that your body needs each day. Consider if the Cambridge Diet is right for you or try Shake That Weight for even more options.

You can safely stick to a VLCD weight loss plan for up to 12 weeks and see massive results during this time. Many report losing up to 9 kilos per month, which is a fantastic result for such a short period of time. As ketosis is a natural process that occurs within the body, you don’t have to worry about ingesting any unknown substances or chemicals on this diet.

2.    Reduce your appetite

Appetite reduction is another safe way to help you lose weight fast. When you have a big appetite, you will constantly crave food which can lead to overeating and consuming foods that aren’t healthy. Instead, by suppressing your appetite naturally, you will feel less inclined to binge eat.

To lose a significant amount of weight, it’s essential that you choose a weight loss program that you can stick to. Starving your body will lead to hunger pangs and stress, and ultimately you will struggle to commit to it long term.

By using these tips below for appetite reduction, you’ll naturally consume less without noticing that you are doing so.

  • It’s a good idea to always drink a glass of water before each meal. You may feel like you’re hungry when in fact you just need some extra hydration. By drinking water before you eat, you will reduce the amount of food you need to consume to feel full.
  • Eat foods that are high in fibre. High-fibre diets have long been associated with lower obesity rates. Fibrous foods don’t break down in the same way as many other foods. They stay in your system for longer, thus making you feel full for an extended period. On top of that, fibre is great for keeping your bowel movements regular and your colon cleansed. Some foods that have a lot of fibre include whole grains, dark coloured vegetables, nuts, beans and legumes.
  • Exercise before you eat. Exercise is known to impact the hormones that both suppress and stimulate hunger. When you exercise, it raises the levels of your peptide YY hormone, which makes you feel temporarily full.
  • Include foods that are high in healthy fats such as those found in olive, avocados, nuts and seeds. They will both satisfy your hunger and make you feel fuller for longer. 
  • Eat slowly. When you eat quickly, you don’t give your body the chance to identify when it is full. Eating fast leads to overeating almost without fail, and therefore contributes to weight gain. By eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly, your body will be able to let you know when it’s had enough. 

3.    HIIT and Weightlifting

Exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle and a key factor in weight loss. That said, if you’re not exercising correctly, you may not see any results for a very long time, if at all. The common misconception is that cardio will burn the most calories. Cardio does burn lots of calories, but that is only one part of the solution. Other types of exercise are much more beneficial for weight loss and health in general, and these are high-intensity interval training and weightlifting.

Resistance training with weights or bodyweight is hugely effective during weight loss. Not only does it burn as many calories as cardio, but it also helps build or maintain muscle mass and keep you strong. Resistance training will also lower your water retention and water weight.

That in itself can lead to dramatic drops in your weight very quickly. Seeing those results will help keep you motivated on your weight loss journey. Weight training will also protect your hormones and metabolism, which are known to decline when on a diet.

HIIT or high-intensity interval training is another excellent method of training which you can do in a short period of time with fantastic results. It involves doing short bursts of intense anaerobic exercises with recovery periods in between. Each burst only lasts about 30 seconds with a 30-second rest between sets. Even 5-10 minutes of HIIT can be as effective for weight-loss as five times the length of a regular cardio session. It is excellent for your metabolism and gives your fat-burning hormones a substantial boost.

By implementing these strategies, you can start to lose weight quickly, and most importantly, safely. You don’t need to count calories, put yourself through uncomfortable fad diets or spend hours in the gym each day to get fantastic results in a short period of time.

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