Three Good Thngs


Good Morning! We woke up to find most of our snow has gone, it was fun while it was here, but I’m glad it’s on it’s way out. Ready for some warmer temperatures and Spring to show it’s head now please and thank you!

It’s been a really quiet week, not only was it too cold and snowy to go far, but poor Beastie has been ill for the last ten days. A dose of Impetigo that left him feeling really poorly too, no appetite, no energy, and feeling rubbish. All he’s wanted all week is lots of boob and lots of Mama cuddles. He seems to be over the worst, at last, so hoping for a bit more fun this week! And to actually see a few other human beings ;)

Here are my good things from last week:

* Friends ~ being stuck home with a poorly Beastie last week, I was so grateful for a couple of good friends who kept checking in to see how we were and if we needed anything.

* A warm house ~ last week was SO cold, and it made me incredibly thankful for having a warm house, that I can afford to heat and keep us all safe and warm. We take for granted having a house to live in, but not all are so lucky.

* Inspiration ~ turns out, a few quiet days at home are good for inspiration! A little thinking time and my mind was brimming with inspiration.

Here’s my button if you’d like to include it in your post

Enchanted Pixie


  1. Alex

    March 5, 2018 at 20:56

    I’ve been thinking about how lucky we are to have a warm house too, I can imagine how hard it would be to be homeless especially in winter when it’s life threatening to be on the streets. It’s good to be aware of how lucky we are x

  2. Tanita

    March 5, 2018 at 22:00

    I love posts like this. It s so important to be grateful for our lives. Not everyone is so lucky and it is sad but cultivating gratefulness really reminds us to be humble and I love that. I love that about you Polly, you are so down to earth and humble and you are a very special lady indeed. xx

  3. Neversummer

    March 6, 2018 at 17:42

    mir wird auch manchmal vorgeworfen, auf einer Polly Pocket Insel zu leben, ein kleines Mädchen, dass nicht versteht, wie ernst die Welt ist. Aber natürlich verstehe ich den Ernst der Lage, die großen Hürden im Leben, die man meistern muss, täglich. Und deshalb und vllt auch aus Schutz, lebe ich ab und zu (lieber) auf meiner Polly Pocket Insel. Wir verstehen den Ernst des Lebens, aber warum sollte ich ihn auf meinen Schultern tragen? Und deshalb.., give a f***, be a happy girl!

  4. Alex Lamb & Bear

    March 6, 2018 at 17:42

    I totally agree about a feeling lucky to have a warm house. Last week was SO COLD. I’m glad the snow didn’t last too long, I couldn’t handle being stuck indoors much more! x

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