Magic everyday moments

craft-time - magic everyday moments

I was transferring the photos from my phone to my laptop the other day, and trying to organise the tens of thousands of photos I have on it {no joke}. Scrolling through the last six months of photos, looking back at all those memories – big ones and small ones, fun days out, birthdays, Christmas, mile-stones captured. Sprinkled amongst them are photo after photo of those little everyday moments. Snapshots of daily life, ones that more often than not don’t make it on here or my IG, they may be a little less than perfect, not quite so ‘internet friendly’, but looking through them I realised how glad I am to have them. Those tiny moments that I capture through our days are some of the most magical. They are the ones that show the truth of our lives, they are the ones I’ll look back on in years to come, when my kiddos are all grown and smile at, remembering all the fun we had together.

While we may live our lives online, curating our feeds to capture the life we want to portray, choosing the best images, discarding the slightly out of focus ones, the ones that show the piles of mess in the background, the ones that don’t look perfect. And yet – they are my favourites. All the messes, blurriness, slightly off-centre. For they are full of life. Showing a full and happy home, and those are full of messes and imperfection, off days and blurred lines. Full of love and laughter, memories being made and lives being lived.


Miss Baya – as captured by Beastie ? || Always busy colouring and sticker-ing

Splashing in muddy puddles || A boy and his biggest sister at the sea

magic of everyday moments

Four tiny kittens {can’t believe how small they were!} || He was SO excited to have his lunch on this blue table!

makeup reading

Getting his make-up done || Reading books

homegrown-mushrooms blue-ice-cream

Home grown mushrooms || Blue ice-cream

chopping-vegProcessed with VSCO with preset

Chopping veg || A tidy bedroom {a rare occurrence!}

magic of everyday moments

Snack time in the garden || Berry picking



Blue Rabbit || Colouring in together


Mr Bear

1 Comment

  1. McKenzie Allyshia

    February 18, 2018 at 18:32

    I always love going through my camera roll to see those every day photos. They are always so full of life and love ♥

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