Five Alternative Options to Make Your Wedding Perfect on a Budget


Weddings are magic before they ever begin, because they signify that the most magical thing has happened – you’ve found love! Have a wedding to celebrate your relationship and commitment together, but have one that stays within your budget. There are so many ways you can save money and still have the wedding of your dreams, because there are so many options available to you. Knowing those options, however, is another story, which is why you should consider these five alternative options to have the perfect wedding on a budget:

  1. For Your Dress

There are so many ways that you can get your dream dress and save money. You can buy it second hand, which, unlike most second-hand items, is almost guaranteed to have only been worn once! The dresses you try on in boutiques see more action. You could also get a family member’s dressed tailored to fit you and customised to reflect your personality.

  1. For the Venue

Choose a wedding venue in London that provides packaged offers. Many venues will offer you a discount so that you can get most of your wedding planning done, for a better price. That way you can have everything perfect, be able to afford the venue of your dreams, and have a party to remember for the rest of your lives.

  1. For the Flowers

Wedding flowers can be very expensive, and they are also thrown away the next day. So, give your guests a party favour and hand out flowers at the end of the night so that they can take them home and enjoy their bright colours. It’s the best way to make your money go further, and can be an excellent party favour and a reminder of your wedding. Other ways you can save of course include only choosing flowers that are in season in your area, and even using the flowers from another wedding that occurred the day before.

  1. For the Entertainment

Games are always fun to have around, especially after the party has started and everyone has begun drinking. That’s why you should invest or simply bring a few games for your guests. Even an old game of Twister can give your guests quite a laugh! Having these games around can also be a perfect icebreaker for your guests as well, so everyone can get along!

  1. For the Photography

While nothing will beat a professional photographer and videographer, your wedding will be so much more than those photos. There will be moments you don’t see, and that’s why you need to organise your guests. Encourage everyone to take as many photos as possible, and to then upload them to a shared album. That way you can go through everyone’s photos and select the best of the night. It will be a better capsule of your wedding night, and you’ll see fun photos of your friends and family as well!

Weddings can be as expensive or as budget as you need them to be, but they can always be the wedding of your dreams.

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