Skincare Tips for Fall and Winter


Seasonal changes have a major impact on your skin. This is because of humans being warm-blooded mammals, with bodies that constantly change internal chemistry to adjust to changing external stimuli. Stimuli which change the chemistry of the body include changing weather, temperature variations, air pressure and humidity. All of these have a marked effect on the skin; which is why you should consider changing up your skincare routines along with seasonal variations or read more about skincare regimen like proactive solution.

4 Tips on Modifying your Skincare Routine for Fall/Winter

Following are some ways by which you can effectively modify your skincare regimen and optimize it for the last two seasons of the year. Note that all of these tips may not be perfect for your skin type, which is why you should always consult with a dermatologist before making any drastic changes to the way you maintain your skin.

  1. Alter your Skin Cleansing Routine

Skin cleansing is very important if you live in the big cities with lots of damaging pollution to negatively affect your skin. However, you cannot have the same routine for all the seasons, no matter how obvious it might be to use the same cleanser all year round.

The reason for this is the natural dryness of the skin, which is elevated during the fall months. The skin is not as well-moisturized on its own during the winter, and it can be very damaging to the skin to use cleansers with a gel base, or those that foam and need to be rinsed off.

Lotion-based cleansers are always the best choice during the colder months, as they don’t dry the skin out too much, while still cleansing the pores. This is due to their moisturizing capabilities, which although gives a heavy feeling to the skin, is more effective during fall and winter.

  1. Use Oil-based, Light Scrubs for Exfoliation

Exfoliating the skin gets rid of dead skin and a lot of dirt and bacteria that accumulates within it. This allows the skin to repair and rejuvenate itself after the dead cells have been eaten away by the chemical. However, exfoliants are quite damaging to dry skin, and they can often result in the skin feeling very flaky and dry, particularly after an intense exfoliating session.

A good alternative is a light oil-based scrub that not only works to remove dead skin cells but prevents the skin from being excessively damaged by the harsh chemicals. The oil makes a barrier between the skin and the outside atmosphere, while also hydrating the skin, preventing it from drying out.

  1. Moisturize every Day!

Moisturizer is quite literally your skin’s best friend in the winter months! A good all-purpose moisturizer can mean the difference between dry, damaged skin, and healthy, glowing skin. The reasons for this are the temperature and the body’s inherent moisture-retaining properties during fall and winter, which combine, to make the skin more prone to dryness and the resulting damage.

Not all moisturizers are created equal though, and you have t know which is better for your particular type of skin. A good rule of thumb, when choosing a moisturizer is to go for one that contains nut butter and cocoa extracts. Aloe Vera is also very effective, however not all skin types react to it well. Cocoa butter is beneficial since it has a tremendous antioxidant load, as well as immense moisturizing properties, all of which are topped off by a delicious scent!

  1. Consume Antioxidant-rich and Moisturizing Foods

There are a number of foods which are rich in antioxidants, the main force behind the reduction of free radicals. Inflammation is a very common problem in the colder seasons, which is why the skin requires a lot more protection during fall and winter. Antioxidant formulae work to eliminate free radicals from the body, effectively protecting the skin from damage and preventing inflammation-related acne, while also strengthening the walls of cells by boosting collagen production.

Collagen is also a very necessary skincare ingredient, and there are also some collagen boosting foods available which make the skin stronger and suppler than ever, when consumed as part of a healthy and balanced diet.


Skincare is essential for both men and women in the harsher months of the years, which is why you should definitely pay attention to exactly what you are applying to your skin. As always, consult a dermatologist if there is any discomfort or if you want to confirm the safety of some ingredient.

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