8 Signs Your Marriage May Be In Trouble

8 Signs Your Marriage May Be In Trouble

There is no single person who gets into marriage while looking forward to a divorce. You get into marriage knowing that it is until death separates you. But, what happens when you are no longer happy in your marriage? What happens when you can no longer stand the person that you vowed to stay with during happy and bad times? Here are 8 signs your marriage may be in trouble.  These are the signs that tell you it may be time to let go. That it may be time to contact divorce lawyers in Columbus Ohio to help make the process of changing your marriage status smooth and less stressful.

The Silence Becomes Too Loud

When you can no longer talk to each other or the way you communicate with each other changes, know that there is a big problem. Your communication style may change from talking normally to yelling or not talking completely. This is a sure red sign that your marriage is on the rocks because there is not much that can be done in the home of the members can’t communicate.

Endless Arguments And Fights

Small fights and arguments once in a while are very normal between couples but endless arguments are not. When one spouse can no longer do anything right in the eyes of the other, fights will be inevitable and hearts will be broken.

Abuse, Both Physical and Emotional

Staying in an abusive relationship is discouraged. When a spouse starts getting violent or abusive, it is a sure sign that it is time to pack up and leave.

No More Intimacy

Intimacy should come naturally to spouses who love each other. When intimacy is no more, it can only mean that there is no more love. There can be many reasons behind loss of intimacy, lack of confidence can be one. If one partner feels lacking or insecure in their body, this can cause them to be more distant. Making efforts to address these issues is essential, and no matter the reason there can be steps to take, whether that be therapy or a more permanent solution like surgery – you can view these impressive transformations as one way of determining whether the latter might be the right solution for you or your partner. A marriage that has no love cannot stand and the couple is fast headed towards separation or divorce.


Marriage vows are meant to be kept. Unfaithfulness in a marriage should not be tolerated for whatever reason because it is hard for a grown-up person to change.

Living Separate Lives

This happens when the couple starts going through their lives as if the spouse is no longer a part of their life. This can happen while still living under the same roof and sleeping in the same bed. If you realize that you feel your life is better without the other person, it may be a sign of looming trouble.

Unending Resentment And Anger

Spouses get angry at each other all the time, it is quite normal. But this feeling of anger always goes away after few hours. Once resentment and anger towards a spouse become permanent, there is very little hope for the marriage to survive.

Unsuccessful Marriage Counseling

A professional marriage counsellor should be able to help couples in conflicts to reconcile. If one spouse is unwilling to attend counselling sessions or both spouses have gone through counselling and but no resolution has been made, it may be a sign that the marriage was not meant to be.

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