Friday Finds

Finday finds



Huzzah! It’s Friday… totally ready to embrace the weekend here, it’s been a great week but a busy one, and honestly it’s felt like two weeks thrown into one! We went from a jam packed weekend, straight into a full on week. Miss Lola has been back at her school, doing a few trial sessions, which seem to have gone great, issues have been resolved {ish} and it looks like she’ll be returning there in September.  The other kiddos and I have had a mix of work and fun this week… girlies have been working on some lapbooks, I’ve been doing some work, we’ve caught up wit ha few friends, taken Beastie to a couple of new groups {I’m trying to add in a few activities aimed more him as he generally just gets dragged along wherever the girls have to go} – toddler gym and an amazing gardening club.

The best news that I have heard this week – Ben & Jerry’s are bringing their vegan ice-creams to the UK!!! hashtag weekmade

The kids and I just signed up for the RSPB’s Big Wild Sleepout at the end of July, we’re hoping to complete lots of activities for it next week too.

If you’re fellow home educators, you can sign up for 2018’s Grow Your Own Potato project now! We’ve been doing it for a few years, and it makes a great little science project {and you get potatoes to eat!}

I need to make another batch of my homemade vegan Baileys this weekend, me thinks!

Love these 60 ways to make life simple again

Vegan PB&J Cheesecake?!?! Holy moly I need one now…

My current favourite Yoga practice

We’re making a pack list this weekend ready for the  Just So festival – are you coming?

I’m lusting over  this dress, this dress too, this bag, a summer hathat, this bikini and this fab tee


Tell me one good thing from your week!



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