Summer Reading Challenge

summer reading challenge (1)

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We’re a family of book lovers. G and I have always loved to read, and I’m so glad we’ve passed that love on to our kiddos. People who visit our home often comment on how many books we have {and that’s after a huge cull last year!}. I can remember once, when one of the girls were little, taking to the health visitor who told me that 3 in 10 children had NO book in their house. I was stunned. I can’t image not owning even one single book.

We’ve read to the kids since they were tiny, nightly bedtime stories, and curled up on the sofa in the middle of the day. If we go somewhere – for a day or for longer, we always take a few books to read on the way.

The girls have taken part in reading challenges at the library the past few years – though they find them a little too un-challenging for them – they only require them to read 6 books over the summer. They read more than that most weeks! So… this year, I’m setting them my own challenge. To read as many books as they can over the summer!

I made this chart for each of them… we’ve some stamps to stamp a circle each time they read a book. I’m planning on having a few ‘prizes’ to give them after they’ve read a certain number of books – I’ll most likely pick up some fun stationary, and maybe a book token if they fill all the stamps!

If you’re looking for some good book suggestions for your kids – The Book Trust has some great lists based on ages.

You can click on the image below to open up a printable reading challenge chart to use with your kids this summer…

Summer reading Challenge

1 Comment

  1. Rachel C

    July 11, 2016 at 19:05

    I really like this idea. My eldest is only 5 but is a bookworm, so we might try a version of this with him! Thanks for sharing :)

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