Vega – 9 month update

peek a boo vega

NINE MONTHS! That truly is crazy to me! I’m really kinda sad at how fast this year is going by, my baby is grwoing up far too fast and is so much closer to being a toddler than a tiny baby now. I had some cuddles with a three-day old baby this week and oh my gosh! She was so tiny and cute and made Vega seem like a giant! ha!

He’s as good as ever. Still only four teeth, though I’m sure there are more there waiting to pop through – probably all at once. He crawls really fast now, and stands up and walks around the bed/table holding on! He loves walking around holding my fingers too – I can’t see him being too long as he’s walking for reals.

Sleep.. he’s so unpredictable. He sleeps through some times, and then other nights {most nights} he doesn’t. Some nights he wakes once, some nights four times. I could really really use a few more of the sleeping all night long ones! This Mama is exhausted most of the time. He has two naps a day now, but he still doesn’t nap for much more than half an hour at a time, which doesn’t give me much of a break to get any work done!

This boy sure does love his food. He eats anything and everything I give him and lots of it. I’m still to find something that he refuess! he’s also really interested in watching me cook.

He babbles loads, and puts little sentences together. Sometimes, when he’s cross, you’d almost say he was swearing at me ;) He says Dada, Mama, Baba. guh amongst other sounds.

I can’t believe we’re three-quarters of the way through his first year. He’s so lovely, I just wish I could do this year over and over and keep him tiny!

VEGA 36 WEEKSvega 37 weeks old38vega 39 weeks old


  1. Fritha

    September 28, 2015 at 12:55

    aww same time out as in! I feel like that’s gone so fast. Newborns always look SO tiny don’t they, Wilf is going to look like a giant when the baby arrives! x

  2. Lori

    September 28, 2015 at 19:54

    Vega is such a cutie! My ovaries are exploding ;) It must be so crazy seeing him this big as it only seemed a few days ago that you were posting about your birth story! It’s so lovely to have him documented on your blog so you can remember all the stages. x

  3. Jess @ Along Came Cherry

    September 28, 2015 at 21:07

    I always love the nine month milestone, feels crazy when they’ve been out for the same time they were in your tummy. I’m so broody today so this isn’t helping! xx

  4. Adele @ Circus Queen

    September 28, 2015 at 22:44

    He looks so much like his big sisters! He’s just so lovely! Ophelia hasn’t been a long napper either. And now at 19 months it looks like she’s scrapping naps altogether. Hopefully Vega does was Talitha did and starts consolidating those naps to give mama a good long stretch.

  5. Gill Crawshaw

    September 29, 2015 at 08:17

    He is so lovely Isn’t it the best age? Completely with you on the naps and sleep, Flo is still really unpredictable. some days she’ll nap for about twenty minutes in total. Which makes it a really long day, doesn’t it? xx

  6. Eleanor (The Bristol Parent)

    September 29, 2015 at 08:54

    ‘only four teeth’ – Tibbs had none at that age! He’s absolutely stunning Polly, really a delicious looking baby boy.

  7. Kathryn

    September 29, 2015 at 12:48

    That nine months has gone so fast. I hope he gives you a wee bit more rest soon though – cheeky Beastie! xx

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