Vega – 7 month update

Vega is SEVEN months old today. That feels crazy even writing that! Such a cliche but I truly can’t believe how fast these seven months have gone!

MR V 30 wks

We’re so blessed to have the cutest little baby boy ever, we’re all totally smitten with him. When we first found out Beastie was a boy, I had a fleeting ‘BOY – EEEP!’ though – a what do I do with one of those moments. Honestly, I don’t care if they’re boys or girls…. babies are all so darn scrumptious!

It’s crazy seeing these weekly photos together and seeing how fast he’s growing… he is so desperate now to be up and on his feet and chasing after his sisters!

He still gets up usually once a night – a quick five minute feed and he’s back down. I kinda like those middle of the night snuggles too.

At seven months Vega:

* Loves food! I haven’t found anything he doesn’t like yet… he eats modified versions of whatever we eat, fish, chicken, loads of veggies… I make him some mushed up meals, but he always has lots of finger foods too.

* Has gone into 12-18 month sized clothes {!!!}

* Loves to bounce in his Jumperoo

* Babbles a lot… ‘mum mum mum’, ‘dad dad’ and ‘yeah yeah yeah’ {at least they sound like it!}

* Saves his biggest smiles for his sisters

* Likes to play ‘peek a boo’

* REALLY wants to go get our kitty cats

* Reaches out to be picked up

* Will sit up and play with his toys {as long as he can see someone nearby!}

We’re loving life with this baby boy – can’t believe we’re into the second half of his first year though – I wish I could slow time right down…

vega 25 weeks

vega 26 weeks old

27 weeks old

28 weeks old

29 weeks old

vega 30 weeks old


  1. Molly

    July 28, 2015 at 18:47

    Growing up so quickly! Gorgeous boy – and those outfits are the cutest. The boy has style! I can’t believe Baby Girl will turn 10 months old next month. I’m actually totally in denial about it. It feels like this year’s flying by way too fast!

  2. Jess @ Along Came Cherry

    July 28, 2015 at 20:10

    I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone either! He is SO adorable! x

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