Tea and Toast

tea and toast

Somedays, all you need are tea and toast for all to be right in the world. Maybe it’s a British thing, but if I’m tired, or ill, or sad, nothing quite hits the spot like a good cup of tea and a slice {or two} of toast.

We just got sent this lovely looking Breville toaster… shiny and new [I’m trying to keep it that way for our new kitchen}, the best thing about it is that it has deep carriages… What does that mean you might ask… Well, it means that your slice of bread goes all the way down – so you don’t end up with that white stripe of untoasted bread at one end! It’s designed to be the perfect fit for Warbartons toaster loaf.

I always start my day with toast, usually Vega has his morning feed, then while he sleeps for another hour or two, I sneak downstairs for tea and toast and an hour of work before the rest of my household wakes up. Bliss.

Oh – I’m a peanut butter on my toast kinda gal… what’s you’re favourite topping?

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