Homemade Humous

homemade_humous humous

We didnt’ get any baking time this weekend, so no weekend cake – plus it was too hot to be in a stuffy kitchen! I did whip up a batch of humous, I always keep the ingredients to make it in my cupboard, it’s quick and easy and cheap to make.

You’ll need:

200g can chickpeas, drained
100ml tahini
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 cloves garlic {more or less to taste}
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
2 tbsp olive oil
pinch salt

Place all your ingredients in a blender, and blitz until smooth. Add a little water if the mix is too thick. It’s perfect served with pittas for lunch, or to dip crudites into. Delicious :)

I hope you all had a good weekend? Hot again here, we’re reveling in this summer weather! This is our last quiet week before our busy summer starts, I’ve a lots of orders to fulfill, and things to get ready for visitors and holidays. The kiddos are excited for our summer break! My mum will be here next week for a visit {and her birthday} it’s been a couple of months since we’ve seen here, we’re planning a few trips out with her.

The kiddos have just finished their work for today, they’re heading out into the garden to play, G and I have a big pile of wood to chop up and sort, getting ready for the winter! Seems crazy in this heat, but soon enough we’ll be in need of a fire to keep us warm. We already have enough kindling sorted to see us through the winter, now we can start chopping logs.


  1. Julia Albans

    July 15, 2013 at 15:20

    I am sitting out in the garden too – nice warm breeze blowing!
    Annie is stretched out in the sun
    I am looking forward to my visit with you next week
    Lots of love x x

  2. being erica

    July 19, 2013 at 20:33

    ahh yum! i’ll definitely be trying this one!

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